The trail would also randomly turn off and on. It would lead me to ‘landmarks’ and important bases, but it never leaded me to an objective or a correct path in the void. I’m still not sure what the trail of fish is there to accomplish though. The game uses a trail of golden fish, which by itself is a nice effect, to lead you into the correct direction.
The navigation isn’t broken, but it is SO non-existent that it makes even the smallest trips full of frustration. Diluvion was made to take full advantage of the snapshot mode on Steam.Ī huge issue that weaved its way into the entire play through is the navigation.
They also use the light in different ways like when you are slowly engulfed in a patch of luminescent coral. While it detracts from the actual game play sometimes, the light gradient put into the world looks wonderful. The lighting is also a nice touch to the world. When you are slowly making your way through the dark abyss and a giant silhouette of a base begins to fill up your computer monitor, it makes you stop and appreciate. Using lighting and depth, Arachnid was able to make some awe inspiring shots within the world. The submarine parts focus on specific moments to make it shine. The 3D part of the game, where you will spend most of your time, isn’t as flashy from a design perspective, but uses different techniques to make it stand out. Even small details like the item pictures had a detail not seen in many other indie games. The prisoners dressed differently than the captains, but they had enough small details match to flesh out every area. They looked unique, and a reoccurring theme with the art department, a cohesiveness that brought the world to life. I absolutely loved the story book look of the 2D perspective and the accompanying character design.

It pulls from influences in different types media that haven’t been used in many games before, which is exciting to play such a new, fresh experience. There is a cohesiveness to the art that flows through the 3D parts of the game, the 2D parts of the game, the loading screens, the menu, and pretty much everything. The art direction is extremely impressive for a small indie team and rivals some AAA games. The game puts you in the captain’s chair of a submarine and lets you loose in the ocean depth.ĭiluvion is a beautiful game. Arachnid Games is changing that with Diluvion. As the recent trend of exploration games has put gamers into space, there seemed to be a void in ocean exploration. There is a vastness and mystery to the ocean that is unique in a world where it feels like every suface has been explored and stone overturned. cumbersome controls due to bad sprite position -bad draw distance and onscreen clutter -no in game reference for commands and no options -no z axis movement buttons that I can find(needed by any game of this type that uses depth and altitude as movement) There are improvements that can be beyond its issues as well, a HUD display with functions could alleviate some issue but in all the game is on the low end to anything else Ive played in a year It gets a 1 for function, a 4 for effort and a 2 for the game it turned out to be.The deep blue sea has always been interesting. No save option because of a checkpoint system, yeah thats on my list of bad and stupid game design choices because when a save gets corrupted, you must restart also it is ridiculous. I currently have it modded out for any game I play. The screen to sub point of view is over the right garbage, which was garbage in every game that ever used it. There are few options and no key mapping which I find to be a good reference for the controls when a game fails in this regard. Than something about a crew member needing to talk(tutorial) cant exit or resolve this after, just locked into the sub 2d mode then I quit. I figured there must be a trigger to continue or a way to drill out, something wasn't seeing it then lo I found some way forward (draw distance sucks). So I started in some kind of cavern, no exits and no big deal. I Yup, that's a 2 rating and after 20 minutes no less now let me iterate. Yup, that's a 2 rating and after 20 minutes no less now let me iterate.