
Step 2: Notify WSC of the email address you used to create your SAW account.

#Timetracker how to

Read more on time-billing and how to set it up.Step 1: Review video or read written job aid on how to set up a SecureAccess Washington account (SAW). You can use the Time tracker time count as billable time to easily create a sales invoice for your customer. You can only have one active tracker running at a time – no multitasking. In any view, you can pause the active tracker and start another one.


You can open the full-size task modify view to add all relevant details to the task. Or click Cancel to delete the task you just created. You can quickly fill in the task name, add an activity type, contact, project, and other details as a time entry description. Just push the bigger blue Start button in the Time tracker menu. In addition, you can log time for any ad-hoc activity. Or click on the Start button next to an already existing time entry. Either click on the Start time tracker button, in which case a new time entry is created under the task. In addition the previously mention options, you can start tracking time in the task detailed view. To search for any specific task or time entry, type the name of the task or description of the time entry into the search box. The time entry will be logged under the task once it's marked as done (press the three dots button). When clicking on it, the time stops, but the time entry remains in the menu list. When the time is running, the Start button turns into a Pause button. You can either log time under an already existing time entry (start the tracker on the line of the time entry) or when pressing the Start button next to the task name, a new time entry is created under the task.


To begin tracking time, press the Start button. Click on the name of the task to open the task detailed view. Hover over the task priority icon (turns into a pencil icon) to see the preview of the task, and click on it to open task modify view and make changes to the task. The three dots button in the end of each time entry allows you to mark it as done, modify or delete it. These tasks are displayed in a lighter grey. In the menu, you can also see other users' tasks, if there is a time entry scheduled for you under it.

  • other tasks from your task list arranged by deadline.
  • tasks that have a time entry scheduled for today.
  • tasks that have active time entry logging.
  • You can see all your scheduled tasks and time entries listed in the Time tracker menu. Or if the time is already running, just click on it to open the tracker menu. You can access the Time tracker wherever you are in Scoro just by clicking the tracker icon in the header of your site. Or, instead, start a tracker from any view in Scoro. You can instantly see the time running on the header of your site. Or to start tracking time for a time entry, click on the time entry icon in front of the time entry and select Start time tracker. If you start the tracker on the task line, a new time entry is created under the task and the time is logged under it. Click on the time entry icon on the task line and select Start time tracker. Just pick any task or time entry from your task list and start tracking time while doing the assignment. Let's take a look at different ways to use the Time tracker. To activate Time tracker for your site, go to Settings > Plan, billing and add-ons. Thanks to the easy and automatic time tracking, you get truly accurate detailed reporting on all activities. In addition to logging time manually under your tasks, you can use the Time tracker that does it for you. If you haven't done so already, catch up on your reading on tasks and time entries, as these are the basis for time tracking in Scoro. In Scoro, there are multiple ways to track your time. Time tracking helps to keep an eye on the time you’re spending and can be an eye-opener as to where your time actually goes.
